Just when we think we have seen it all, the insurance companies come up with some new scheme to avoid living up to their responsibilities. The latest had even us shaking our heads! As you read this story, please keep in mind that Progressive was the insurance company for the very people it was mistreating. They weren’t doing this nasty business to someone else– they were doing it to their own customers. In other words, these folks paid good hard money in insurance premiums to be abused by their own insurnace company. Yeeeeeessshhhhh! Keep reading to get the gory details……

In 2005, Progressive Northern Insurance Company was involved in a lawsuit with a married couple over an automobile collision. Somehow, Progressive became aware that the couple attended a support group at a local church. Progressive then colluded with two investigators, a male and a female, to act as a married couple and infiltrate that support group, which was run by a church! The investigators even went so far as to record the confidential proceedings of this support group in the hopes that their targets may say something that could be used to Progressive’s advantage in the litigation.

As nearly always happens, the attorneys for the couple we will leave nameless eventually found out what had occurred. When they did, they sued everyone involved in this scheme, including the investigators, Progressive, and Progressive’s lawyers for invasion of privacy, breach of confidentiality, emotional distress and fraud.

This kind of activity is despicable, and deserves a large punitive award to punish Progressive for its abusive and illegal acts. While money damages won’t make anyone feel any better about what happened, it is the only way to punish a huge corporation in a meaningful manner.

When people have been injured, they expect their insurance company to take care of them. After all, that’s why we pay those premiums every month, right? The unfortunate reality is that when it comes time for the insurance company to start returning some of that money to the policy holder, whether it be for medical bills, lost wages or property damage, the insurance companies often scramble for any excuse not to pay. If you are having problems dealing with an insurance company, please don’t hesitate to contact us. At the Ziff Law Firm, our attorneys have been making insurance companies live up to their obligations for more than 60 years.

Thanks for reading,

ZiffLaw Attorney, Esq.
New York and Pennsylvania Personal Injury and Malpractice Attorney
Ziff, Weiermiller, Hayden & Mustico, LLP
303 William Street
Elmira, NY 14901
Phone: (607)733-8866
Fax: (607)732-6062
Email: info@zifflaw.com